I’ve been feeling pretty well, besides the fact that I am sleepy all the time. When I found out the news, I was not sure whether I was happy or not. The fact is: I’m going to gain tons of weight and maybe some pimples on my face. >.< It was really cool when I talked to the family. Everyone was exited, which made me feel loved. It was a nice feeing. My dear cousin, Raymond, shouted “Oh my God” many times from the very beginning of the conversation to the end. It was quite interesting. My mom told me, “I knew it. I knew that you were pregnant!!”, while I was telling her the news (I guess she has some hidden talents that I have had no idea about for years…like fortune telling, haha. I need to ask her which horse that I should bid on, so that I can get some extra money for raising a child). I guess that “title” issue makes everyone get older and “wiser”. Like my dad, I’m not so sure that he wants to be called “GRANDPA” yet. Oh well… (In Taiwan, everyone gets a new specific title when the first grandchild comes along.)
p.s. don't you love Kelly & Nicodemus's faces...